Saturday, February 8, 2014

Senior Research Project

This week was the start of something new that I am very excited about -my senior research project. Every week, I'll be posting about it here on my blog. You'll get a sneak peek at my internship and learn a bit of what I am currently working on.

This last Wednesday was the first day at my new internship with the Martha McSally campaign for congress. Since my senior project will look into the campaign strategies of female politicians, I chose an internship that would allow me to observe first-hand the tactics used in a political campaign. I've met two of the other staff working for McSally -the deputy campaign manager, Kristen, and the financial adviser, Andrew. This week I've mostly worked on making several compilations on likely donors, past supporters, and volunteers as well as editing letters and researching venues for possible events. It's mostly desk work but I'm learning a lot about how McSally wins over supporters. For the first time next week I'll get to see how a campaign reaches out to people outside of the office, so stay tuned!

If you have any questions or are curious about anything, drop me a comment below.


UPDATE: I now have an official title and an official badge that shows it off.

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